View Profile Z-Yoong

4 Art Reviews w/ Response

All 9 Reviews

I love it, the final colouring looks good although your line work could be a bit stronger and it looks like adam/somethingelseyt has been squeezed in at the end so my advice would be to spend more time on sketching ideas 💡 👍🏻

Teamninjago responds:

Adam somethingelseyt is squeezed because in his channel if you look at the avatar it is squeezed so that is why J drew him like that and thanks for the nice words

The idea is very humorous and the drawings are very strong and clear to who they are but the poses on some are a bit stiff and some like James/theoddonesout looks like he is just floating other than that I love it!

DoodleDan5224093 responds:

Thank you for the feedback, ill try to fix how stiff my characters are in the future!

I love the idea and your colouring skills are on point!

SaymenSayz responds:

Thanks for compliment, so nice to hear that someone like the idea behinde it. But i dont think that my colouring skills are near at the point where i like to see them.

The whole piece is a tad overwhelming but I love it!

Ceraunoph1lia responds:

Thank you! I do agree the idea itself was VERY overwhelming and Very different to what I normally like to do but (v^_^)v

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