View Profile Z-Yoong

9 Art Reviews

4 w/ Responses

Personally I don’t think this is what would win but the style is wonderful but that is my personal opinion, sorry 😐

I love it, the final colouring looks good although your line work could be a bit stronger and it looks like adam/somethingelseyt has been squeezed in at the end so my advice would be to spend more time on sketching ideas 💡 👍🏻

Teamninjago responds:

Adam somethingelseyt is squeezed because in his channel if you look at the avatar it is squeezed so that is why J drew him like that and thanks for the nice words

A good idea with a thought out plan, strong lines and great colouring. As a person personally I would say if you were to improve it, add a bit more action to the shot but great artwork c:

The idea is very humorous and the drawings are very strong and clear to who they are but the poses on some are a bit stiff and some like James/theoddonesout looks like he is just floating other than that I love it!

DoodleDan5224093 responds:

Thank you for the feedback, ill try to fix how stiff my characters are in the future!

Your lines are strong and the concept has been very thought out, I wish you luck 👍🏻

As a beginner artist, I would say your proportions are drawn well and if you finish your artwork it will be at the top of the list for WINNER!

I love the idea and your colouring skills are on point!

SaymenSayz responds:

Thanks for compliment, so nice to hear that someone like the idea behinde it. But i dont think that my colouring skills are near at the point where i like to see them.

The whole piece is a tad overwhelming but I love it!

Ceraunoph1lia responds:

Thank you! I do agree the idea itself was VERY overwhelming and Very different to what I normally like to do but (v^_^)v

The dragon is good but you should spend more time on the rest if this is the final piece

Joined on 8/12/19

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